Yes. Whole numbers, or integers, include both positive and negative numbers; any number that has no decimals or fractional part.
Actually, the term "whole number" is used in different ways by different people; some use it only for positive (or non-negative) integers; so it is probably safer to use the term "integer" or "positive integer", to clarify your intended meaning, and avoid the term "whole number" entirely.
it IS a whole number.
No. 12 would be a whole number, or 13 would be a whole number, but 12.5 is 12 and 1/2, which is NOT a "whole" number.
13/12 is not a whole number and so you cannot write it as a whole number.
12/10 does not equal a whole number.
The nearest whole number to 12.12 is 12.
12.0107 rounded to the nearest whole number is 12.
A factor that is a whole number. The whole number factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.
Yes 12/4 = 3
In mathematics, a whole number is a number without fractions or decimals. Since 12 is a whole number, it is considered one whole. Therefore, there is one whole in the number 12.
12, a whole number.
12 is a whole number
If you have a number like 12 and you multiply it by the same number: 12 and the answer you get is a whole number, then the whole number is the perfect square.