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enough to put down a rhino

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Q: On an average how many soft drink do teens drink a day?
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What is the average amount of fluid in a soft drink can?

12 ounces

How many milliliters of water are in a soft drink can?


How much is a soft drink?

A soft drink is $20.

What was the average soft drink consumption per person in the US in the year 1977?

2 oz

Is pineapple a soft drink?

Yes pineapple is a soft drink

Is coke a soft drink?

Yes coke is a soft drink

How many apples equal the calories in a soft drink?


How many soft drinks with Equal sweetener in it would you have to drink to have a health risk?

1soft drink

Main ingredients to soft drinks?

It depends what soft drink. The average COLA contains:Carbonated WaterHigh Fructose Corn SyrupCarmel ColorPhosphoric AcidNatural FlavorCaffeine

Is ice tea a soft drink?

Ice tea is a soft drink.

How many 375ml soft drink cans are needed to fill a 3l bucket?

Well honey, if you've got a 3-liter bucket and those tiny 375ml cans, you're gonna need 8 of those bad boys to fill 'er up. It's simple math, just divide the total volume of the bucket by the volume of each can. So grab yourself 8 cans and get ready to party!

Is soda the only soft drink?

No, a soft drink usually means any drink that does not contain alcohol.