I once ate, in less than 5 minutes, 11 large Chiicita bananas. When I arrived home, I laid down, and I began to develop the following symptoms: I could not move for hours, I was burping incessantly, I had terrible gas, and I felt an overall malasie which took me days to overcome. The worst part of my experience was that I spent much of the following day in the bathroom with horrifying diarrhea that had a peculiar ochre color and smelled like a rotten banana. I do not suggest eating 11 bananas in an short period of time.
What are the affects of overeating ?your stomach blows up in side
Childhood obesity!
Well there are quite a few side effects ... weight gain, stomach aches and you might vomit.. if you intend on overeating i would get some med's for stomach pain...
There is nothing bad about a banana at all.Overeating bananas is like overeating baby food.Varied diets are always better so maybe a sweet orange a pear and a banana is better.
During compulsive overeating treatment the person is usually kept in an intensive care style habitat so that their actions may be monitored. Usually compulsive overeating is a side effect of other things such as depression, sleep disorder, or anxiety.
no side effects
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the dangers of overeating are diabetes, hypertesion.