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This means that the food has been treated in some manner to kill pathogens that may be present in it. This can be done with heat, chemicals, radiation, or pressure.

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Q: What does it mean for a product to have been pasteurized?
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What is it when you pastrise something?

When something is pasteurized, it means it has been heated to a high enough temperature to kill the dangerous bacteria in it. One food product that is well-known for being pasteurized is milk.

What is pasteurized in culinary?

Pasteurized means a food or ingredient has been processed by a means of partial sterilization, especially involving heat treatment or irradiation. This makes the product safe for consumption and improves its keeping quality.

Which milk product is most nutrient- dense?

Pasteurized Goat Milk

Microbiologically how can you confirm that yogurt was made with live active cultures?

Culture the product. If it shows growth, it's 'live'. Or, more simply, look at the label; if its been pasteurized, the culture's dead.

What is unpasteurised milk?

Raw milk, or, milk that has not been pasteurized.

What is in milk that is not healthy?

Milk that has been pasteurized is what is referred as the healthy milk.

Is it safe to drink unopened pasteurized apple cider after the 'Best By' date?

yea i think it safe to drink a apple cider after the best by date because it is pasteurized.More InformationBut understand that pasteurization reduces pathogens to safe levels - it does not sterilize the product. It will depend how well the product was pasteurized, the bacterial type and load present before and after pasteurization, how far after the "best by date" and the way the cider has been handled.It will be up to you whether or not to drink it.

Is almond milk a dairy product?

Yes. The Blue Diamond web site FAQ states that its almond milk is pasteurized.

Is claussen sauerkraut pasteurized?

No, Claussen sauerkraut is not pasteurized. It is a raw sauerkraut that is naturally fermented.

What does it mean for milk to pasteurized?

The milk is heated to a high temperature and then cooled, to retard bacterial activity.

Do eggs need to be pasteurized?

No. But for some purposes it is better to use pasteurized eggs.

What part of speech is pasteurized?

The part of speech that pasteurize is transitive verb.