Oh honey, 121 kcal stands for 121 kilocalories. It's a unit of energy used to measure the amount of energy in food. So, next time you're counting calories, just remember 121 kcal is what you're working with.
121 per hour (average BMI)
Fat = 9 kcal 2,200 kcal x 0.30 kcal = 660 kcal 660 / 9 kcal = 73.33 g = 73 g of fat per day
KCAL-FM was created in 1965.
kcal is the symbol of kilo calories.
KCAL-TV was created in 1948.
kcal is a measurement of rice grains ♥Call me
The difference between kcal and cal is 1000 cal = 1 kcal. However, we usually count food calories with kcal, and use kcal and cal interchangeably. Therefore, 9 kcal [Food Calories] = 9 cal. So, to the point: If there are 9 kcal in 1 g of fat, there are 9000 kcal in 1 kg of fat (1 kg = 1000 g).
kcal* kjoules* RDI% Total Calories 90 kcal 377 kJ 5% from Carbs 0 kcal 0 kJ from Fat 26.3 kcal 110.01 kJ from Protein 63.6 kcal 266.19 kJ from Alcohol 0 kcal 0 kJ *The unit "kcal" or kilocalories are what most American's think of as 1 Calorie. Other countries use the unit kilojoule (kJ) to measure Food Energy. 1 kcal is equal to 4.184
1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4 186,8 Joule Female 19-30 - 2 400 (kcal) each day -> 72 000 kcal/month -> 301 449,6 Joule 31-50 - 2 300 (kcal) each day -> 69 000 kcal/month -> 288 889,2 Joule 51-70 - 2 100 (kcal) each day -> 63 000 kcal/month -> 263 768,4 Joule >70 - 1 900 (kcal) each day -> 57 000 kcal/month -> 238647,6 Joule Male 19-30 -3 100 (kcal) each day -> 93 000 kcal/month -> 389372,4 Joule 31-50 - 2 900 (kcal) each day -> 87 000 kcal/month -> 364251,6 Joule 51-70 - 2 600 (kcal) each day -> 78 000 kcal/month -> 326 570,4 Joule >70 - 2 200 (kcal) each day -> 66 000 kcal/month -> 276328,8 Joule a lot of people eat more than they require, that's why there is so much obesity around the world.
1000 calories in one kcal so 1000 is to 1 as x is to 60 = .06 kcal
Fats: 9.3 kcal/gm Glucose/ carbohydrates: 4.2 kcal/gm Proteins: 5 kcal/gm
The amount of protein (4 kcal/gram), carbohydrate (4 kcal/gram), and fat (9 kcal/gram) that is present.