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If you stop taking in fluids, you will begin to dehydrate. You will weigh less than you did, but you haven't lost any fat, you've only lost some water (your cells are low on moisture). When you finally take in some fluid (and you have to or you will die), the weight will come right back as your cells rehydrate. Think of your body as a damp sponge, it weighs less as it dries out.

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A HOT SOAKING BATH HAS ALWAYS HELPED ME WITH THE PAIN AND CRAMPS AND ONE OF THE MIDOL OR PAMPRIN TYPE PILLS OR ALEVE IF YOU HAVE THOSE .. BUT ALEVE ONLY HELPS WITH PAIN AND SHRINKS SWELLING (IBUPROPHEN) BUT DOESNT HELP WITH WATERWEIGHT AND MOOD..AS DO MIDOL AND PAMPRIN TYPE PRODUCTS.. a bath helps relax the body and after taking one of those pills mentioned above you will find in an hour or so you forget all about your period until it wears off.. then you start feeling all the achy tender crampy stuff again .. just take another one... for me.. the first day or day and a half is all i have to SUFFER thru.. after that no more pain just the routine of maintaining pads/tampons or what not until its over.. but the onset and swelling and pain and cramps can Really be taken care of quite nicely with the over the counter meds that are made for it. I think a diuretic to pull water weight off might be included in them .. but you can take a water pill "diuretic" with an aleve and get very nice relief to.. any ibuprophen that helps with pain and REDUCE swelling as the whole uterous area is tender and swollen during a menstrual cycle... good luck.. but try the hot bath soaker after you take the meds.. it really feels nice and relaxing.

I'm taking 30mg of Adderall EX and have not lost any weight Should i try to crush up the capsule?

This is a question that many people are asking. from my personal experience with taking Adderall XR, i found that it does infact speed up the metabolism in those who do not have a "so called" chemical imbalance in the brain. Adderall is a mixture of 4 very potent amphetamine salts causing very intense, prolonged, stimulation. ussualy the duration of AdderallXR 30mg capsules is 12hours of realease., now while i took it to loose weight, i was consuming much higher doses than 30mg (VERY DANGEROUS) ussually i would intake around 90 - 180mg at a time. but under my circumstance i am not out of shape. i consumed Adderall to make the weight limit for football. it is very hard to tell what your dose range should be. I'm not giving you the okay to extend the dose. preceed at your own risk. make sure you consume a good amount of water (Dont over do it, you can dround your self from the inside out) stay away from any extreme work outs or excessive heat & sweating. remember everybody is different. so expect differernt results than what you read. in 1 week of use i dropped 11lbs of body fat. 1.7lbs of waterweight. research it before you experiment. too high dose range can cause longterm adverse respitory and cardiovascular effects. PROCEED WITH CAUTION!

If you take a salt water bath will you lose weight?

Any hot bath, salt or not, will make you lose weight through sweat if you soak in it for 10 minutes ~ because the humidity underwater is 100%. salt does not improve the procedure, just speeds it up so that you don't spend as long in the tub. It needs to be stressed that this is not something the average joe should be looking into, the weight lost is waterweight, not fat or muscle, so it is not a permanent loss and your body doesn't function properly when it is missing out on its water. Besides you regain most of the weight as soon as you feel dehydrated and guzzle down a ton of water or take a shower. Bottom line, this is a method used by athletes who compete in sports with weight-classes to get rid of the last few pounds if they need it, they have professionals watching over them and learn quickly how it effects their performances. If someone who is just slightly overweight decides to start cutting water to feel better about themselves they will soon find themselves cramping up, lacking energy and looking like a dried up tomato.