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4 Top Fruits to Support Weight Loss (and How to Enjoy Them)

Skip the cake, cookies, and candy. Going au natural with your treats boosts fiber intake, supporting weight loss, and gives you additional health benefits.

1.High-Fiber Apples Allow You to Get Your Sweet Fix on the Go

Atlanta-based Kristen Smith, RDN, spokesperson for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and registered dietitian for Piedmont Healthcare, says apples are high in fiber but low in calories, which, like many fruits, makes them a wise food choice if you’re trying to lose weight.

“Foods with increased fiber can help slow digestion and keep you feeling satiated for longer periods of time,” Smith says. “For optimal satiety and fiber intake, keep the skin on."

Past research established the connection between consuming fiber-rich foods and managing weight.

How to Enjoy

Smith recommends topping your favorite salad with apple slices, dipping them in Greek yogurt as a snack, or adding them to oatmeal for natural sweetness.

If you prefer a no-frills snack, simply grab an apple and go. Their portability is part of their appeal.

2. Raspberries Are One of the Best Sources of Fiber

Because of their sweetness, raspberries can help satisfy a sugar craving, Smith says. These offer fiber as well as antioxidants, which combat harmful substances called free radicals in the body, research has shown. According to the USDA, 1 cup of raspberries has 8 g of fiber, offering 28 percent of the DV and making them an excellent source.

How to Enjoy

though raspberries make good additions to salads and yogurts, too, Smith points out that these make a great snack on their own. Take a break, have a handful, and eat them slowly. You'll boost your mindful eating, plus get your sweetness.

3. Whole Oranges, Not Juice, Are Weight Loss-Friendly

A medium-sized orange provides 3.14 g of fiber, or 11 percent of your DV, per the USDA. But that only applies if you're eating the fruit itself, so keep this in mind if you’re eating to trim your waistline.

"Avoid Orange Juice and eat a whole or cut-up orange instead," she says. "Also, oranges are packed with vitamin C, which offer several health benefits, like boosting your immune system, helping your body make collagen, and aiding with iron absorption." According to the USDA, a medium-sized orange has 69.7 mg of vitamin C, 77 percent of your DV.

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How to Enjoy

Whip up an orange salsa, Smith suggests, and use it to top chicken breast or fish to get your vitamin C and protein fix. Making sure you keep up on your protein requirements is a good strategy for weight loss, according to a June 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, because it helps you feel full for longer. Harvard University notes you need 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, so a 150-pound person would need 54 g of protein daily.

4. Mangoes Are a Metabolism-Boosting Treat

Talk about a major sweetness superhero — mangoes offer that no-sugar fix you want, and they can even help improve your metabolism and lower inflammation, says Lawder. A small, short-term study published in April 2017 in The FASEB Journal found that mango lowered blood pressure and helped with blood sugar regulation, both of which play a role in metabolism. It also improved inflammation markers, the research noted.

How to Enjoy

After cutting into slices or pieces, sprinkle a little chili powder and lime juice on top, Lawder says. This will provide a flavorful snack; plus, the kick may boost this snack’s weight loss potential. A review published in June 2017 in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition found that the active ingredient in chile peppers, capsaicin, may accelerate weight loss efforts.

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richard englard

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17y ago

There's no "best apple" for weight loss. Calories in, calories out. Eat your fruits, vegetables, whole grains, andlean protein with a solid bit of monunsaturated and omega-3 fats. The rest will take care of itself.

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13y ago

Apples wont make you lose weight, but if your trying to lose weight, eating apples instead of high calorie foods would help quite alot because apples are loaded with fiber and water, which will help you feel full without giving you extra calories.

Just for your info; One medium size apple contains roughly 71 calories.

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13y ago

That depends on whether you prefer to count calories or carbohydrates or if you wisely prefer to count both. If counting calories choose low calorie fruits. If counting carbohydrates choose low carbohydrate fruits. Ideally count both and choose both low calorie and low carbohydrates fruits for weight loss.

For the calories and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables, and for the free fruit and vegetable calories and carbohydrate charts that you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.


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13y ago

Actually all fruits are good choice in dieting and health point of view. 2-5 servings of fruit is recommended in daily diet. fruits are the best option to satisfy our sweet tooth instead of sugary food.

When it comes to fruits for weight loss,

The healthiest options will be the lower calorie, low carb fruits, although even higher calorie.Your best choice would be the whole fresh fruit rather than fruit juice or dried fruit.

Fruits such as banana and grapes you can avoid when you are trying to lose weight. Though these fruits are very healthy but they have more sugar content comparatively than some other fruits.

Weight Loss Fruits should be Fruits with high fiber content, which will demand a higher amount of energy to digest, that would be boost for fat loss.and in addition they tend make you feel full and less hungry.

Weight Loss Fruits should be low in sodium and this helps in reducing the chances of gaining water weight.

Some best weight loss fruits:

Apple is rich in fiber and also has pectin which prevents the body from absorbing too much fat. Pectin also suppresses your appetite. so it will keep you satisfied for a long time.

Grape Fruit and Peach lower insulin level which control the sugar absorbed to blood stream so helpful in weight management. It is full of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to the body to produce the carnitine amino acid which speeds up the body's fat-burning capacity and helps in releasing the fat from the body.

Kiwi Fruit is low calorie very high in fiber. Kiwi fruits offer soluble fiber that fills you up and suppresses your appetite and is concentrated with Vitamin C. You must add this fruit.

Melon would be a best option as an replacement of desserts and a good option for low calorie snack. They are low calorie and offers a decent dose of fiber and satisfy the thirst.

Apricots are a best choice for low-fat dieters. These delicious fruits are particularly rich in insoluble fiber which absorbs water and makes one feel full. The fiber in apricots acts as a bulking agent that takes time and extra energy from the body to get digested which keeps it to stay longer in the stomach and keep you full and satisfied for longer time and at the same time promotes quicker movement of waste material through your digestive tract to flush out from the body.

Fruits from berry family include blueberry.strawberry, black berry and raspberry are full with antioxidant, low carb,low calorie and at the same time they have some chemical contents which lower the fat storage and help to loss abdominal fat. They control the body's action how to stores and processes glucose or sugar for energy. Which would be good reason to prevent weight gain.

My suggestion for whole day fruit intake to speed up metabolism to burn calorie would be as follows:

Toss some blue berries in your oat meal or all bran breakfast with skimmed milk or soy milk.

Eat one medium size apple on snack before lunch

Eat grapefruit or peach or kiwi with lean protein and fresh vegetables at lunch time.

Apricots with a handful of almond at afternoon snack or a medium bowl of melon.

Strawberries or raspberries with low fat Greek yogurt after dinner as a dessert

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13y ago


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