140 miles. This is the route:
434 miles. This is the best route:Follow signs for I-80 EAST all the way over to OH-11 SOUTH to CANFIELD at EXIT 224A near Youngstown, Ohio.Take OH-11 SOUTH to East Liverpool.
The phone number of the East Liverpool Historical Scty is: 330-385-2550.
The address of the East Liverpool Historical Scty is: 305 Walnut St, East Liverpoo, OH 43920-3427
its 300 miles depending on which part of Liverpool
Hall China Company: East Liverpool, Ohio
The address of the Lou Holtz Hall Of Fame is: 120 E 5Th St, East Liverpool, OH 43920
Google can give you links on that
Lakewood is not east of Columbus, it is 140 miles north.
18 miles taking SR-18 EAST.
The driving distance from Toledo, Ohio to East Lansing, Michigan is approximately 130 miles.
East midlands Airport is approximately 102 miles away from Liverpool, United Kingdom. It would take about 2 hours to drive.
Lance Frank was born on February 7, 1980, in East Liverpool, Ohio, USA.