70ft tall
To convert square feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.0929. So, for a 70ft x 30ft area, you would calculate 70 x 30 = 2100 square feet. To convert this to square meters, you would then multiply 2100 by 0.0929 to get approximately 195.09 square meters.
14 to 5
If you can afford a 70ft yacht, you don't care.
70ft on the South side and 60ft 4in on the North side
Lake Shiney with a Lure big ones about 70ft+, slowly reel it
To calculate volume, all the dimensions should be converted to the same unit, so that the volume will be in cubes of that unit. Since there are 12 inches in one foot, 4 inches = 1/3 foot. Multiplying the three dimensions together yields 700/3 cubic feet of concrete required, or as a decimal, 233.33....