Tarrant County, TX is 897 sq miles (2,323 km²).
According to the 2000 US Census, Tarrant County is 863.42 square miles.
360 miles are in Jackson county.
Staffing fluctuates due to turnover, medical leave, etc., but on average there are more than 4,500 employees for Tarrant County Hospital District. This figure also includes physicians who hold faculty and leadership positions and does not include all credentialed medical staff or contractors.
There are 2,569 square miles in Lincoln County, Nevada.
The smallest county in Texas is Rockwall County, which is about 147 square miles in size.
Knox County which has Knoxville as its county seat has an area of about 526 square miles.
Onondaga County, NY is 806 square miles.
Marquette County, Michigan is 3,425 square miles.
Darlington County, SC is 567 square miles.
Hennepin County, Minnesota is 606 square miles.
Tillamook County, Oregon is 1,133 square miles.