In the Bible, New Jerusalem is described as a perfect cube measuring 12,000 stadia, or approximately 1,400 miles on each side. This measurement is meant to convey the idea of perfection and symmetry rather than a literal size.
Five thousand seven hundred ten (5,710) is the air mileage from New York City, New York, to Jerusalem, Israel. That equals 9,188 kilometers or 4,961 nautical miles.
This is the size of new Jerusalem.
The city area of Jerusalem is about 125 km2/48 sq mi. Jerusalem's metropolitan area is about 652 km2 / 252 sq mi. Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel and its largest city.
The flight distance from Jerusalem, Israel to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport is 5,703 miles.
The air distance from Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States of America, to Jerusalem, Israel, is 5,719 miles. That equals 9,204 kilometers or 4,970 nautical miles.
About 70 miles NW of Jerusalem.
JERUSALEM TO CYRENE783 miles north west.
It's just about 1/25 of the land mass.
New England covers an area of approximately 71,991 square miles.
It has a total area of 8,729 square miles with 14.9 percent of its total area covered by water.