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Topographic refers to the detailed mapping of the features of a small area, district of locality. Gradient refers to the degree of ascent or descent of an undulating region. In short you would be mapping the undulating features of an area

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Q: What is topographic gradient?
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What is topographic profile?

A topographic profile is a cross-sectional view of the elevation changes along a specific line or route on a topographic map. It provides a detailed representation of the terrain's highs, lows, and slopes, allowing for a better understanding of the landscape's features in a two-dimensional format. Topographic profiles help in visualizing the elevation changes and gradient of the land along a given path.

What is the unite for gradient in a topographic map?

"Gradient" of a point quantity is a measurement of how fast it changes in a specific direction. For topography, the gradient of the land is its slope in some direction. It would work out to be dimensionless, because it has to be change in elevation/distance which is length/length no matter what units you use for the elevation or distance.

Which of the maps show the three dimensions of earths surface?

Topographic map

What tools are needed to make a topographic map profile of a landform?

To make a topographic map profile of a landform, you would need a topographic map of the area, a ruler or straight edge for measuring heights, graph paper or plotting software, and a pencil for marking elevations on the profile. Additionally, you may need a protractor to measure angles if the landform has slopes or changes in gradient.

What does it mean when lines are close together on a topographic map?

If the lines are contours - it signifies that the land is steeper the closer the lines are drawn

Is topographic a noun?

No, the word 'topographic' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun (a topographic map).The word topographic is the adjective form of the noun topography.

Is topographic a noun verb adjective or adverb?

The word topographic is an adjective, used to described a noun as related to topography, such as a topographic map or a topographic survey.

What is a sentence with Topographic map?

What I need is a topographic map!

What maps are similar to topographic maps?

Topographic maps

How do you calculate gradient on a topographic map?

To calculate the gradient on a topographic map, you would divide the difference in elevation between two points by the horizontal distance between those points. This will give you the rate of change in elevation per unit of horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage or ratio.

What kind of map shows the topographic features of an area?

a topographic map

What is a topographic graph?

A topographic graph is something u use for rocks or something