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Q: Is it true that only people have blood group o can dowsing the water in the ground by copper wire?
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How can copper affect people health?

if copper is ingested it can cause a blood disease.

How is copper normally found in the ground?

Copper is typically found in the ground as sulfide ores, such as chalcopyrite, or as oxide ores like cuprite. These ores are typically mined using methods such as open-pit mining or underground mining. Copper can also be found as a byproduct of other metal mining operations.

What gives the blood its color?

Iron if it's a hemoglobin based blood cell (then the blood is red). If it's hemocyanin then it's copper and the blood will be blue. Like the people of Pandora.

What is the power of blue crab's blood?

there is copper in its blood

What metal do octopuses have in their blood?

Octopuses have copper and magnesium in their blood.

Which element is not found in blood?


Which blood protein transports copper?

The blood protein that transports copper is ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin helps regulate copper levels in the body by binding to copper and transporting it to where it is needed, such as to the liver for storage or to cells for use in various biochemical processes.

What causes a copper taste in mouth?


What are two ways that a modern horsehoe crab is similar to the extinct species?

one way is that their blood is blue because the blood has copper in it copper is a metal

What element makes spider's blood blue?

That's just nature. If it were'NT nature i'd have like pink-blue blood and you would have like black blood....

Do copper magnetic bracelets repel arthritis?

Some people believe magnetic copper bracelets repel arthritis but it has not been medically proven. The magnets in the bracelets are said to attract and repel charged blood particles.

Why some animals have blue color blood?

because they have copper in their blood instead of iron.