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September 11th Attack on America

On September 11, 2001, there was an attack on America.

There are some men that decided that they didn't like what America stands for: freedom, liberty, and the rights of men and women of all races, backgrounds, and beliefs. So on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 of them hijacked four planes and attacked America in a terrible way.

Two of the airplanes were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The last plane was going to crash into another building in Washington, D.C., but the passengers stopped the hijackers, and the plane crashed into a field instead.

The World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed. Thousands of people lost their lives through these attacks. Hundreds of people were on the planes. Thousands died in the buildings that were hit by those planes.

The men that arranged this terrible attack want Americans to feel afraid and disorganized. They want to make people who live in this country do what they say by threatening us. Basically they're bullies who want everyone to live their way and be subject to their rules.

The people of the United States are a strong group of people. Keep faith in who you are and what our country stands for and we will become even stronger than before.

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10y ago

On September 11, 2001, two aircraft hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Another aircraft crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. A fourth aircraft crashed in a field in south central Pennsylvania.

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