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3.9 %, in 2009 (World Christian Database)

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Q: What percentage of the world practices animism?
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How many followers does animism have world wide?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of followers of animism worldwide, as animism is a belief system that varies in practices and interpretations across different cultures and regions. Animism is often integrated into other spiritual traditions rather than being followed as a standalone religion, making it challenging to estimate the specific number of adherents.

How did animism reflect what was important to early West African peoples?

Animism reflect west Africans dependence on the natural world

What was the holy book for animism?

Animism does not have a specific holy book. Beliefs and practices in animism vary widely among different cultures and regions, with emphasis placed on the spiritual significance of nature, ancestors, and spirits.

What beliefs is shared by an African who practices animism and a Japanese who practices Shinto?

spirits exist in both living and non-living things

What belief is shared by an African who practices animism and a Japanese who practices Shinto?

spirits exist in both living and non-living things

Which belief is shared by an African who practices animism and a Japanese who practices?

They share the belief that spirits exist in both living and nonliving thins @_@ ;D

Which belief is shared by African who practices animism and a Japanese who practices Shinto?

They share the belief that spirits exist in both living and nonliving thins @_@ ;D

What is the philosophy of animism?

Animism is the belief that all objects, places, and creatures possess a distinct spirit or soul. It is a worldview that emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living and non-living things in the world. Animists often engage in rituals and practices to communicate with and show respect to these spirits.

What is the term for the belief that spirits fill the natural world?

The belief that spirits fill the natural world is known as animism. This belief is present in many indigenous cultures around the world.

Where animism was founded?

Developed simultaneously in different parts of the world

What belief is shared by an African who practices animism and a japense who praictes Shinto?

They share the belief that spirits exist in both living and nonliving things

Man of today is living in animalism. Why?

There are many parts of the world where traditional animism is practiced to this day. Many of these cultures are less developed and have had limited contact with the western world. However, this is not the case with all such cultures. Many just prefer to maintain the traditional beliefs and practices.