Not with one hand because the cup would rotate round the point at which your fingers contact the handle. But you could with two hands (I think).
You drink tea from a cup. you pick up your cup. and bring it to your mouth. and sip. there you go! why did you ask this?
Without friction, it would be challenging to grip the cup of tea securely, and it might slip from your hand due to the lack of frictional force providing a counteracting force to your grip. This could result in difficulty picking up the cup or holding it steadily.
He has a cup of tea.
There is no such English phrase as "tea of a cup." You either have a cup of tea, or you have tea in a cup.
You would use your phalanges and your radius and your ulna.
Boil water, pick your flavor of tea, open the package, pour hot water into mug or desired cup, put tea bag in cup, add fixings i.e sugar, cream, milk. Then let tea steep (time varies on how strong you want your tea. Strong: 2-3 minutes. Weak: 30s-1m) Stir well, take tea bag out and enjoy your tea!!
Equal options:1) a tea cup without a spoon in2) a tea cup which is first completely broken, then completely fixed, and finally with a similar high quality spoon in
No a cup of tea is a cup of tea u morons
Everybody likes their tea different, black tea is simply tea without milk, boiling water poured into a cup containing a tea bag. Sugar can be added if needed.
Simple. have a cup of tea instead and enjoy the fil.
'Cup' is a noun in the phrase "cup of tea." It is the object of the preposition 'of' and refers to the container holding the tea.
Typically, one tea bag is used per cup to make the perfect cup of tea.