150 US gallons converts to 124.9 Imperial/Canadian gallons.
1,200 pints equal 150 gallons.
124.9 Imperial gallons.
That is approximately 1.25 US gallons
About 23 US gallons
150 UK gallons = 682 L150 US gallons = 568 L
There are approximately 224 gallons of water in 1 ton. Therefore, 150 tons of water would be around 33,600 gallons.
150,000 US gallons is 567,811.768 liters.
About 1,122.1 gallons.
That depends on what substance is flowing. 150 gallons of air: very few pounds 150 gallons of water: around 1,250 pounds 150 gallons of molten lead: a lot more than 1,250 pounds