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Atmospheric pressure

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Q: When a person drinks a soft drink through a straw where does the force came from that causes the soft drink to move upward?
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When a person drinks a soda through a straw where does a force come from that causes the soda to move upward?

alright, the cauculations in many formations conclude that, when you breath or suck in the amount of force that is let in the straw moves it up tward the top of the straw going into your mouth or where designated.

What are the Causes of stratification?

through social inequality- according to a person background, ethnic, group, race or color they were limited to upward mobility (moving upwards in the heir achy level of social statuses)

Upward force on a bird's wing?

It is called Lift. The difference in pressure above and below the wigs as a bird moves through the air produces an upward force that causes the bird to rise.

What is the name of the upward force that enable a bird to fly?

It is called Lift. The difference in pressure above and below the wigs as a bird moves through the air produces an upward force that causes the bird to rise.

What causes the lava to be forced upward?


What force causes you to move upward when you jump into the air?

The force that causes you to move upward when you jump into the air is the normal force exerted by the ground on your feet. This force opposes the force of gravity acting on your body, allowing you to overcome gravity and move upward.

When you drink soft drinks using a straw the soft drinks moves upward is it because of surface tension?

because of density and the fact that the bicarbonate is bubbling.-mostly when you shake or refill it

What is the force that causes an upward movement?

The force that causes an upward movement is typically buoyancy, which is the upward force exerted by a fluid, such as water or air, that opposes the weight of an object immersed in it. This force is a result of the pressure difference between the top and bottom of an object.

What is the meaning of descriptive sentence?

Descriptive sentences give rich details. They describe and allow you to picture the person or scene.The river ran through the town.The long, winding river meandered through the small border town.The man looked upward at the sky.The short rotund man looked upward at the cloudy sky.

What term describes the upward push on the wings of a airplane that causes unequal pressure?

The term that describes the upward force on the wings of an airplane that causes unequal pressure is lift. This lift is generated by the flow of air over the wings of the airplane, creating a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing, resulting in the upward force.

What causes light rays to bend upward?

Light rays bend upward when they pass through a medium where the refractive index decreases with increasing height, such as a temperature inversion in the atmosphere. This bending phenomenon is known as atmospheric refraction and can cause optical illusions like the mirage effect where distant objects appear elevated.

When you move upward through the atmosphere what does the temperature do?

The temperture drops.