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im to sure why its fizzy its probably because of the crbon dioxide and its acid.

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Q: Why are soft drinks fizzy?
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Related questions

What gas is found in soft drinks?

carbon dioxide is found in soft drinks especially fizzy drinks

What is the pH range of soft drinks?

For fizzy drinks the pH scale is 6

What is in fizzy drinks?

Any soft drink having carbon dioxide in it is called a fizzy drink.

How much do soft drinks cost in Brazil?

how much do all the fizzy drinks cost

What are some words that describe soda pop?

carbonated drinks, soft drinks.

Is it okay to re cool soft drinks?

Of course, the only problem is with some fizzy soft drinks they still tend to go flat.

Should chocolate and fizzy drinks be allowed in school?

Should soft drinks be sold in school? Should soft drinks be sold in school? soft drinks should not be sold in schools

What are the solutes found in a can or bottle of fizzy soft drinks?

The solute is carbon dioxide, CO2.

Can you get food poising from fizzy drinks?

If you have mixed ones you couldif you have 1 soft drink you won't

What acid do fizzy drinks contain?

Fizzy soft drinks contain many chemicals. One of these is citric acid - a weak acid that is naturally found in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes. It is added to soft drinks to give a slightly sour taste, to stabilise the 'fizz' and also to serve as a preservative.

Which fizzy drinks contain bromine?

Bromine is not typically added to fizzy drinks. However, some citrus-flavored soft drinks that use brominated vegetable oil (BVO) as an emulsifier may contain trace amounts of bromine. Examples include Mountain Dew and some citrus-flavored sodas.

Can you tell some different types of non alcoholic beverages?

Could include Tea, Coffee and all sorts of hot drinks. Following this there is fizzy drinks, which may include cola, lemonade. Added to this you could have fizzy water, and soft drinks such as fruit drinks