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If no synthetic fertilizer would be used in the production of rice and only organi fertilizer say raw poultry litter would be used as an organic fertilizer than about 100 sacks of 100 kgs each would suffice for one hectare of paddy

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2w ago

It depends on the type of organic fertilizer used and the nutrient requirements of the rice crop. Generally, for a 1-hectare rice farm, you may need around 2-4 sacks of organic fertilizer per cropping season. It is recommended to conduct a soil test and consult with agricultural experts for precise fertilizer recommendations.

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What absorbs most water sand or soil?

Soil can typically absorb more water than sand due to its greater organic content, finer texture, and increased porosity. Sand is more permeable and has larger pore spaces, allowing water to drain through more quickly.

How do elephants get oxygen?

Elephants breathe in air through their trunks, which then travels to their lungs. In the lungs, oxygen from the air is absorbed into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body to support cellular functions. This process is vital for sustaining an elephant's life.

How can sand bags prevent floods?

Sand bags can help prevent floods by creating barriers to redirect or contain floodwaters. When strategically placed in low-lying areas or around buildings, sand bags can absorb and block water flow, providing temporary flood protection. The weight and density of sand in the bags can also help stabilize the structure and prevent water from seeping through.

What take oxygen that your body needs from air and put it in your bloodstream?

The lungs are part of the respiratory system that with the circutory system add oxygen to your blood.

What can you do when there's a flood?

If you know a flood is coming, you can take the following precautions:Move as many items as possible to higher groundSecure important documentsMake arrangements for pets to be safePack extra clothing if you need to evacuateStock up on non-perishable foodsTurn off gasPrepare an emergency kit containig medication, spare batteries, radio, torch etcSee the related link below for more information.

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