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The earth/moon radius ratio is about 3.67/1 and the mass ratio is about 80/1.

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The ratio of Earth's diameter to the Moon's diameter is about 3.7:1, and the ratio of their masses is about 81:1.

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Q: What is the ratio of earth to the moon?
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What is the approximate ratio of what objects weigh on the Moon and what they weigh on the Earth?

Earth=1, Moon=1/6. Or, Moon=1, Earth=6

What is the correct ratio for the size of the Sun the Earth and the Moon?

The size ratio of the Sun, Earth, and Moon is approximately 109:1:0.273. This means that the Sun is about 109 times the diameter of the Earth, and the Earth is about 3.7 times the diameter of the Moon.

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The ratio of the diameter of Pluto to the diameter of its moon Charon is about 1:1, making it larger than the ratio of the diameter of the Moon to Earth, which is 0.25:1. This means Charon is relatively much larger compared to Pluto than the Moon is to Earth.

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The moon and the planet it orbits that have the highest ratio of their masses are Earth's moon and Earth. The earth is only about 81 times as massive as its moon. In the #2 planet/moon mass ratio among the eight planets, Saturn is 4226 times as massive at Titan.

What is the ratio of earth?

The ratio of Earth typically refers to the ratio of its radius, diameter, or mass to that of another celestial body such as the Moon or Sun. For example, the ratio of Earth's radius to the Moon's radius is about 3.7:1.

What is the ratio of natural frequency on earth to moon?

The ratio of the natural frequency on Earth to the Moon is approximately 3.7:1. This means that vibrations or oscillations on Earth occur about 3.7 times faster than on the Moon due to differences in gravity and mass between the two celestial bodies.

The mean raduis of the earth is 6.3710 to the power of 6mand that of the moon is 1.7410 to the power of 8cmfrom these data calculate a the ratio of the earth's surface are to that of the moon?

The ratio of the surface areas is (earth's radius/moon's radius)^2 where the radii are in the same units.This gives the answer as 13.40, approx.And, incidentally, the word is radius, not raduis!

The diameter of the moon is approximately one fourth of the diameter of the earth find the ratio of their surface areas?

Since the scale factor of the moon to the earth is 1:4, then the ratio of their areas will be the scale factor squared or 1:16. The ratio of their volumes will be the scale factor cubed or 1:64.

The ratio of the radius of that of the moon is 10 .The ratio of g on the earth and on the moon is 6 then what is the ratio of the escape velocity from earth's surface to that from the moon's surface?

The escape velocity is given by √(2gR). Since Rmoon = 0.1REarth, and gMoon = 0.16gEarth, the ratio of escape velocities can be found as: √(2gEarthREarth) / √(2gMoonRMoon) = √((2gEarthREarth) / (2gMoonRMoon)) = √((gEarthREarth) / (gMoonRMoon)) = √((gEarth / gMoon) * (REarth / RMoon)) = √((6 * 1) / (0.16 * 0.1)) = √(6.25) = 2.5. So, the ratio of escape velocity from Earth's surface to that from the Moon's surface is 2.5.

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The Pacific Ocean has a volume that is roughly equivalent to the volume of the Moon.

Which planet has a moon bigger than itself?

Formerly than answer was Pluto, whose moon Charon is just over half its diameter. Now that Pluto is technically not a planet, than answer is Earth, whose moon is just over a quarter its diameter.

How would an inverted can empty on the moon?

Neglecting the effects of air resistance, it would empty just like on earth only it would be slower. The time it takes would be proportional to the ratio of the mass of the moon to the mass of the earth.