The surface area of the Rocky Mountains is approximately 523,000 square kilometers.
There are 57,506,000 square miles of land surfaces in the world, including much that is uninhabitable by humans (Antarctica, arctic climes, swamps, mountains, and deserts). The metric equivalent is 148,940,000 km2 and this represents 29.2% of the Earth's total surface area.
Rocky Mountains
A large tall rocky area of land that rises up out of the earth's surface is called a mountain. Mountains are formed through tectonic plate movement and volcanic activity, and they can vary in size, shape, and elevation. They are a common feature of many landscapes around the world.
The total surface area of Earth is approximately 510.1 million square kilometers.
Mars has a total surface area of approximately 55.9 million square miles.
The Rocky Mountains cover an area of approximately 382,894 sq miles (991,691 km²).
it is in the rocky mountains area
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
Montana is the state in the Rocky Mountains with the largest land area.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
A large tall rocky area of land that protrudes from the earth's surface is a mountain. Mountains are formed by the bending and buckling of the rock under the land.
its just nice and rocky
the rocky mountains run from socal all the way up to British Columbia in Canada