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Landmasses occupy approximately 29 percent of the Earth's surface.

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Q: What occupies 29 percent of the Earth's surface?
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What percent of the earths surface is forest?

Approximatley, 29% of the Earth's surface is forest.Source(s):

What takes up a tenth of the earth's surface?

Obviously trees occupy the 10 percent of earth but it's not correct as a earth surface measurement metric unit. Water occupies the 71 percent and land the 29 percent.

What percent of the earth's surface is water and what percent is land?

About 71 % of the surface is covered by water. The rest (29 %) is land.

How much of earths surface is covered in land?

About one third of the land surface of the earth is desert.

What percentage of the earths surface do the continents represent?

Continents cover about 29% of the Earth's surface area. The rest of the surface is predominantly ocean.

Does the ocean cover less area than the land?

no water covers 71% of the earths surface and land 29%

How much of the Earths surface is covered by the continents?

About 29% of the Earth's surface is covered by continents. The rest of the surface is ocean.

What percentage of the earths surface is populated?

Approximately 10% of the Earth's surface is populated by humans. This includes urban areas, towns, and villages where people reside and work. The majority of the Earth's surface remains uninhabited and consists of oceans, deserts, mountains, and other uninhabitable regions.

What is the square mileage of the world?

Total surface area 196,939,000 square miles. 29 percent land, 71 percent water.

What percent of Earth surface is covered by landmasses?

Approximately 29% of Earth's surface is covered by landmasses. The rest, about 71%, is covered by water.

What is 75 percent of Earth's surface covered by?

Approximately 71% of Earth's surface is covered by water, with the remaining 29% being land.

What is earths surface much covered by?

Earth's surface is mainly covered by water, with approximately 71% of the planet's surface covered by oceans. Landmasses, including continents and islands, make up the remaining 29% of Earth's surface.