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The largest peninsula on Earth is the Arabian Peninsula, which covers an area of approximately 1.25 million square miles.

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Q: Which is the largest peninsula on earth and how many square milse is it?
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The engines used by the aircraft produces thrust and also motion to the aircraft in order to give speed to the aircraft so that the wings can produce lift that is greater than what actually the areoplane weighs with its cargo, passenger and the fuel on board. The amount of lift should be greater the the aircraft's mass so that it can stay in the air.The aeroplane has an aerodynamicaly shaped (streamlined - to reduce drag or air friction ) body, with it's wings stretching out as much as 211ft (Boeing 747). Generally, such a large wingspan is to have a large surface area to give the plane a lift of the ground. Now, the huge winged turbones placed beneath the wings when started pushes the aeroplane forward from 0 to as much as 932 miles per hour during take off period and then cruise of at 300+ milse per hour at such speeds this creates a pressure difference on the belly side of the plane and the upper surface. The upper surface creates a low pressure and the belly side creates a high pressure so the wind tends to move from high pressure to low pressure area. Thereby giving the plane enough lift for initial take off. Similar pressure difference exsists when the plane is in motion as well which maitains the flight in its path. When sudden pressure differences occur in air ( generally reffered to as turbulence) causes the flight to shake or jerk when in air. hope this answers your questions