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There is often a short amount of time to evacuate before an earthquake because earthquakes can occur suddenly without warning. Providing accurate early warnings can be challenging due to the unpredictable nature of seismic events. Quick evacuation protocols are in place to mitigate the risk of injury or harm to individuals in the affected area.

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Q: Why do you think there is often only a short amount of time to evacuate an area before an earthquick?
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Why do you think there is often only short amount of time to evacuate an area before an earthquake?

Becasue we humans are not warned intill the last minute

Why do you think there is often a short amount of time to evacuate an area before an earthquake?

there is a short amount of time because people do not know when an earthquake will actually occur. so a building can't crush down on you when you just figure out a earthquake is happening.Read more: Why_is_there_only_a_short_amount_of_time_to_evacuate_before_an_earthquake

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Why do you think there is often only a short amount of time to evacuate an area before an earthquake?

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