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Often one farmer can farm way more than 2 acres of land. Most farmers can farm over 400 acres of land by themselves using the proper machinery.

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Q: How many farmers can farm two acres of land?
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What did the American farmers During the Roaring Twenties do?

Farm. Many new farm machines were developed in this time.

What is the basic farm problem?

there ar etoo many farmers growing tooo many crops

Should farmers be able to sell their land to developers if they want to do so?

Yes, many farmers don't make any money at all. They struggle to keep their farm operating and making money to support their family. When a farmer has no other option of making money, they need to sell a portion of their land to make a profit.

Why do farmers not get paid as much as they should?

Some farmers make a great deal of money. If no farmer received "as much as they should" we would have no farmers. Many farmers do so as a hobby. We only have a hundred acres or less and do not expect to make our living on farming. It is a hobby for us and we can do alright. Hay cost about $1.00 a bale to make and I get $3.75 currently. Can you triple money in a season? Farmers can do well and the wealth is in the land and property they own. There are many professions that pay worse per hour and the way of life is not as great.

Why did family farmers face hard times in the 1980s?

ok, answer: The farmers interest rates on bank loans increased. So, many farmers were not able to jmake enough money to pay their loans. Additionally, the US government had spent the previous decade encouraging farmers to buy more and more land and plant as much of it to crops as they possibly could. This created a huge crop surplus that took quite a few years to get worked down, lowering crop prices and making it impossible for the farmers to turn enough profit to pay for all the land they had bought at "land boom" prices. As a result, many farm families had to declare bankruptcy and leave the land. This was also the reason Willie Nelson (a famous US country singer) began the benefit concert series titled "Farm Aid". It wasn't until the early 1990's that the markets for both the crops and the land began to turn around enough to make farming profitable again.

Related questions

How many acres is necessary for land to be considered a 'farm' in Texas?

There is no minimum number of acres necessary for land to be considered a farm in Texas. The important this is the function and nature of the land.

How many acres are necessary for land to be considered a 'farm' in Missouri?

In Missouri, land needs to be at least 5 acres to be considered a farm for property tax purposes.

How many acres of land to be considered a 'farm' in Mississippi?

In Mississippi, a tract of land must be at least five acres and used for agricultural purposes to be considered a farm.

How many acres of land are needed to be a farm in Indiana?


How many acres in Texas are farm land?

As of 2020, there were approximately 127.4 million acres of farm land in Texas. Texas has a large agricultural sector, producing a variety of crops and livestock.

How many acres is necessary for land to be considerer a farm in ct.?

In Connecticut, land must be at least 3 acres and used for agricultural purposes in order to be considered a farm for property tax purposes.

How many acres of land is necessary in Mississippi to be considered a farm?

Mississippi comprises 30,020,454.4 acres (land area).

How many acres are necessary for land to be considered a farm?

It would likely have to be at least 40 acres in size to be considered a farm. Property smaller than that may be considered an "acreage" or a "small farm," not an actual farm.

How many farms are in Manitoba?

Manitoba haves 18.8 million acres of farm land

How many acres is necessary in Missouri for land to be considered a 'farm'?

In Missouri, land is typically considered a farm if it is at least 5 acres in size and is used for agricultural purposes. This is a general guideline and may vary depending on the specific zoning or classification of the land.

How many acres in the state of Wyoming?

There is no specific amount of acres necessary for land to be considered a farm in Wyoming. Rather, the land is considered a farm if the land and buildings are used for growing crops and rearing animals. However, the majority of agricultural lands owned by agricultural operations in Wyoming consist of 5,000 or more acres.

How many acres is necessaryfor the land to be considered a farm in Massachusetts?

Probably around one acre.