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Q: How much income is produced from a one acre rubber plantation in Trivandrum District of Keralaindia?
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Related questions

What is a plantation for slaves?

A plantation is a farm, which produced agricultural products. It was worked by a slave labor force. It is the place where the slaves slept and ate since the plantation was also their home.

How the distillery house was used on the sugar plantation?

Here, in the distillery house, molasses were taken to be produced into rum

Who is the writer of District 9?

District 9 was written by Neill Blomkamp, who also directed the film. Peter Jackson produced it.

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How was the plantation system self-sufficient?

The plantation system was self-sufficient because it produced its own food, generated income through cash crops like cotton or tobacco, and had a labor force of enslaved people who provided the necessary manpower for agriculture and other operations on the plantation. Additionally, many plantations had their own infrastructure such as housing, schools, and churches to meet the needs of the community living on the plantation.

What is the origin of the word cognac?

Cognac is the name of a district in france, where the alcohol sharing the same name is produced.

What was each district's profession in hunger game?

District 1- Luxury District 2- Masonry (not said officially in books, but later revealed.) District 3- Electronics District 4- Fishing District 5- Power (not said officially in books, but later revealed.) District 6- Transportation (not said officially in books, but later revealed.) District 7- Lumber District 8- Textiles District 9- Grain (not said officially in books, but later revealed.) District 10- Livestock District 11- Agriculture District 12- Coal Mining District 13: (Was thought to be terminated) Graphite Mining (unofficially they manufactured nuclear weapons and among that housed and produced other weaponry)

What are two differences between yeoman and plantation owners?

Yeoman were small-scale farmers who typically owned their own land and worked alongside their family, while plantation owners were wealthy individuals who owned large tracts of land and enslaved laborers to work on their plantations. Yeoman typically focused on subsistence agriculture or small-scale cash crops, while plantation owners produced cash crops on a large scale for commercial profit.

Best NZ made wine?

New Zealand is famous for its Sauvignon Blanc wine, especially that produced in the Marlborough district. Wine authority Robert Parker says the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world is produced there.

Who did sharecropping replace the plantation in the south?

Sharecropping replaced the plantation system in the South following the Civil War. It became a common arrangement where landless farmers would work on land owned by others in exchange for a share of the crops they produced, often leading to cycles of debt and dependency. This system emerged in response to the loss of enslaved labor after emancipation.

What system in the south produced harsh living conditions?

The plantation system in the American South produced harsh living conditions for enslaved African Americans. They were subjected to long hours of grueling labor, poor living conditions, physical abuse, and the constant threat of being sold away from their families.

How was the south before the civil war?

Antebellum South was very arisotcratic. There were classes, and plantations. If one had a plantation, which produced a lot of "cheap" cotton, then they had a lot of money. Therefore, classes were formed and it became aristocratic.