You can track basic prices over time with a simple table or seeking tables online about the prices of a specific material or item. Some economic websites provide pricing info over time
Perfect competition
Inflation is where prices overall are rising. This is caused by the over printing of money by the Government.
Most likely Holister it is a much more popular brand.
the prices become lower on that "thing"
You can track basic prices over time with a simple table or seeking tables online about the prices of a specific material or item. Some economic websites provide pricing info over time
PlayStation will take over if prices remain the same for online, but prices drop for the actuall system. other wise, Microsoft will be dominant.
Prices range from under $500 dollars for smaller screens to over $4000 for huge screens.
I'm sure video camera prices will continue to decrease over time. The inventions of new, more convenient technologies have made cameras less "needed". Therefore the prices will decrease. :)
Stock prices are not questions to solve. They are the prices at which partial ownerships in companies are bought and sold. Some people try to guess the way prices will move over time, but that is not "solving" anything.
Perfect competition