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Rationing is an attempt to limit shortages of a particular resource or goods by distributing it in a controlled way among the people who need it. Rationing is often implemented in times of war or other emergency situations, when resources are scarce and there is not enough to meet the demand of everyone who needs them. It can also be implemented in times of economic crisis, when prices for certain goods or resources rise dramatically, making them unaffordable for some people. Rationing can be used to ensure that everyone has access to a minimum amount of a particular resource, and to prevent hoarding or black market activity.

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Rationing is an endeavor to restrict deficiencies that normally result from lacking stock or popularity. At the point when there is a shortage of fundamental merchandise or assets, like food, fuel, or clinical supplies, proportioning is executed to guarantee fair dispersion and forestall storing. It controls utilization by drawing certain lines on the sum people can obtain, guaranteeing that everybody approaches essentially a fundamental measure of the important things. Proportioning is in many cases carried out during seasons of war, cataclysmic events, or financial emergencies when request surpasses supply and deficiencies become unavoidable. It intends to deal with the restricted assets accessible and moderate the adverse consequence of shortage on the populace.

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Most shortages are not natural but artificial, caused by the constraints of production for profit.

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15y ago

Price ceiling

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Q: Rationing is an attempt to limit shortages that naturally result from what?
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Rationing is an attempt to limit shortages that naturally result what?

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