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In today's world, water property costs more because it's not as easily available and shifts in levels depending on outside influences like water pollution, etc. Land is readily available, and depending on where you live or how populated an area is, can be relatively inexpensive. Land in less populated areas is cheaper than land where there is a much bigger population.

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Q: What cost more an acre of land or an acre of water?
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What is the price of land per acre in nc?

Can you be more specific? An acre of land in downtown Charlotte is going to cost more than an acre in Wilson NC.........

How much does an acre of land cost in Ontario Canada?

1 acre of land in the Ottawa area cost $5,000-$6,000 on average. The closer you get to the City the more it cost and the farther you get from the City the less it cost. hope this helps =)

How much does it cost per acre to farm?

Hey, 1 acre on a farms costs around £1,500, but you have to buy more than 1 acre to start a farm. So if you want to buy a 10 acre farm than it will cost around £15,000. But if you want more land you will have to think about how many acres you want. But, you still have to think about how how it will cost all together, because you still have to buy the land with a house, but if you want to build a house your self than it will cost a bit more. A house costs between £150,000-£35,000. Than you still have to buy the animals which could between £35,000-£150,000. You could be paying up to £210000.

What is average price of an acre of land in Louisiana?

This would obviously depend on where in Louisiana you are buying this acre of land. An acre in New Orleans' Garden District is worth more than an acre at the Arkansas border for example.

How much does an acre of land sell for?

This all depends on the location. Land sells for more in some areas versus another, so it's best to have a more defined location of where an acre of land will sell for to get a more direct answer.

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How much does 1 acre of land cost in Jacksonville Florida?

The cost of an acre of land in Jacksonville Florida varies significantly. An acre of land in the city will be more than land in a rural setting.

What is the price of land per acre in nc?

Can you be more specific? An acre of land in downtown Charlotte is going to cost more than an acre in Wilson NC.........

How much is land per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

How much is per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

How much does an acre of land cost in Ontario Canada?

1 acre of land in the Ottawa area cost $5,000-$6,000 on average. The closer you get to the City the more it cost and the farther you get from the City the less it cost. hope this helps =)

How much does one acre of land cost in Sedgwick Kansas?

An acre of land in Sedgwick, Kansas, can range from $3,937 to more thanÊ$14,000 per acre. The price depends on whether or not the land can be parceled from a larger section of land or not.

What is the average cost per acre of vacant land in westmoreland County Pa?

"How long is a string?" Seriously, an acre of land in downtown Philadelphia might cost a bit more than an unplatted acre in the mountains of Coal Country. How useful is it to know the average?

How much did land cost in 1900?

The cost of land in 1900 varied widely depending on location, quality, and demand. In the United States, for example, land prices ranged from as low as $5 an acre in rural areas to several hundred dollars an acre in more desirable locations. In urban centers, land prices could be even higher, reaching thousands of dollars per acre.

What is an acre of land worth in Montgomery county pa?

The value of an acre of land in Montgomery County, PA can vary depending on the location, zoning, and other factors. On average, the cost of an acre of land in Montgomery County can range from $25,000 to $250,000 per acre. It is recommended to contact a local real estate agent or appraiser for a more accurate assessment.

How much money does an acre cost in China?

The amount of the acre will vary due to many factors. If the acre is by a lake, it will cost more to purchase.

What is a mineral acre?

a mineral acre is the same size as a land acre but worth more if theres minerals under the acre

What is average cost of a quarter acre of land in calabash South Carolina?

There is no town in South Carolina named Calabash, however the North Carolina town of Calabash is located on the South Carolina border. A quarter acre of land in Calabash, NC will cost around $597 but may cost more or less depending on if the seller is willing to parcel the land out in quarter acres.