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it means that price is elastic. Price elastic means that a little change in the price will cause a substantial change in the quantity demanded.

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Q: What happens when the value is greater than one in elasticity?
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I assume that when you say "elasticity," you mean "price elasticity of demand."Raise price a little. If total revenue goes up, you're in the INELASTIC region (where absolute value of elasticity is greater than 1). If it goes down, you're in the ELASTIC region.

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5. It does not have a value greater than 12. Consequently, it does not have a value greater than 12 and less than 13.

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In mathematics, when we comparing two values if any of the value has a larger value then the sign greater than is used for differentiating that the value is greater than the another value. > is the greater than sign, as in If x is greater than y,then x>y

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under total otlay method basically there are 3 other sub methods with the help of which you can calculate the price elasticity of demand.they are: elasticity greater than unity...ep>1 elasticity less than unity,,,,,,,ep<1 elasticity equals to unity....ep=1

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