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In business (and life in general), many aspects are viewed as "zero-sum". In other words, there is a winner and a loser. However, in reality, business (and life) is not a zero-sum game. There are many situations that end up benefitting all parties in the long-run. For example, specialization is a great example of a "non-zero-sum game". Take the case of 2 farmers who eat only potatoes and meat. One farmer specializes in growing potatoes, which allows them to grow more potatoes and trade with the farmer who herds cattle (but no potatoes). Both sides are able to grow more food by specializing in just one area, and they are able to trade between each other so that both of them have enough potatoes and meat for their families. The extra meat and potatoes received by specializing can be sold in order to give extra benefits to one (or both) party. Hope this helps - I know it's not the best explanation but.......

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Q: What is non zero sum games in business?
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Is monopoly a zero sum game?

No. A zero-sum game is a game in which players deal only with each other, and there is no way to gain "resources" outside of that. There are squares such as "Chance", "Community Chest", Go, (and in some house-rules games, Free Parking) which give the player money. Obviously, this money does not come from another player, and is instead "created" on demand. This is what makes Monopoly a non-zero-sum game.

What describes the private investment component of the GDP?

the sum of all non-financial business investments

What are the conditions for equilibrium?

The two conditions of equilibrium are: 1. Concurrent Equilibrium the sum of vector forces through a point is zero. 2. Coplanar equilibrium, the sum of forces in a plane is zero and the sum of the torques around the axis of the plane is zero. These two conditions are similar to Ohms Laws in Electricity: Ohms Node Law the sum of the currents at a node is zero and Ohms Voltage law, the sum of the voltages around a loop is zero. These equilibrium conditions reflect the Quaternion mathematics that controls physics. Quaternions consist of a scalar or real number and three vector numbers. Equilibrium is the Homogeneous condition of a quaternion equation: the sum of the scalars or real numbers must be zero AND the sum of the vector numbers must also be zero. Thus there are TWO Conditions for Equilibrium. However if we were to use quaternions as nature does, then Equilibrium would be simplified to the zero quaternion condition.

The term equilibrium means?

The forces sum to zero or are balanced. This condition is the Conservation of Energy.

The simplest way to calculate GDP is to sum the total sales of all business firms true or false?


Related questions

What is a non non zero net force?

That means that the sum of all the forces on an object, that is to say the vector sum, results in a force that is not zero. The forces are not balanced. In this case, the object will accelerate (its velocity will change).

Is monopoly a zero sum game?

No. A zero-sum game is a game in which players deal only with each other, and there is no way to gain "resources" outside of that. There are squares such as "Chance", "Community Chest", Go, (and in some house-rules games, Free Parking) which give the player money. Obviously, this money does not come from another player, and is instead "created" on demand. This is what makes Monopoly a non-zero-sum game.

If the force polygon is not a closed figure what does it indicates?

That the forces sum to a non-zero resultant.

Can one force by itself create equilibrium?

No. For equilibrium, the SUM OF ALL FORCES acting on an object must be zero, and that is not possible with a single (non-zero) force.Note: For equilibrium, the sum of all torques on an object must ALSO be zero.

What does the object experience when the speed of the object increases?

When the object's speed changes, in either direction, there is non-zero acceleration present, and the sum of all the forces on the object is also non-zero.

What is a non zero net force mean?

That means that the sum of all the forces on an object, that is to say the vector sum, results in a force that is not zero. The forces are not balanced. In this case, the object will accelerate (its velocity will change).

What is the sum of zero?

It is zero.

Is the sum of zero and a number zero?

No, the product is, but not the sum. 0 + 2 = 2

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You cannot. The sum and difference cannot be the same for any pair of non-zero numbers.

What describes the private investment component of the GDP?

the sum of all non-financial business investments

What condition can cause a rigid body remain in equilibrium when acted upon by a non parallel coplanar force?

A rigid body will remain in equilibrium when acted upon by a non-parallel coplanar force if the vector sum of all forces acting on the body is zero, and the vector sum of all torques (or moments) acting on the body is also zero. This condition is known as the equilibrium of forces and moments.

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