GNP (Gross National Product), 2005 : 107.28 billion dollars
statistical data of GNP of the Philippines
Gathering of data necessary to calculate GNP for a year.
There are many sites publishing GDP/GNP/GNI data. There are, however, different methodologies used to compute macroeconomic data, so data will differ between sources (not by much, however), and therefore it is best to be consistent in your choices. The most reliable, trusted and comprehensive data sets for GDP/GNP etc. are the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The IMF data is typically more up-to-date in this respect (and has a forecast for 1-3 years as well), and somewhat easier to use, while the World Bank data offers more statistics (such as food, infrastructure etc.). Below you will find links to the two datasets.
GNP?? What are you talking about??
GNP (Gross National Product), 2005 : 107.28 billion dollars
the GNP coverage of the Phils. starting today at the ten years in the future is P1.00
less than 3% of GNP is devoted to research education and planning
GNP (or GNI as is now used) was US$482.26 Billion in 2010
252111154547987 US$ Billions
3.5 millom
3.6 % according to daily times
Roosevelt may have used data graphs to state that personal income and GNP dropped $40 billion during Herbert Hoover's term. The GNP decreased this amount in the span of 3 years from 1929 to 1932.
Transport, a local income (not export commodity), in all Pakistan stage (not as province) is 6,5% of GNP