A factor is a type of variable. Usually, "factor" is another word for the independent variable. But it can be any variable that is a part of or contributes or leads to another variable.
A scientific economist is an economist that deals with the nation in aspect of science While policy advisor is an economist that advice on political aspect or affairs of a nation
Essentially, then, the scientific management movement emphasized a concern for output, while the behavioral science movement stressed a concern for relationships among workers.
As many types as variables are used to calculate the elasticity. Elasticity is simply a relationship between rates of change of variables in equations.
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The difference between continuous and discrete system lies in the variables. Whereas the continuous systems have dynamic variables, the discrete system have static variables.
Between Scientific Theory and what?
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Mostly a difference in terminology. They mean essentially the same.
There really is little difference, just terminology.
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Literals are constants.
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There is no difference between the two other than terminology.