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In order to answer the question, it would help to know what the meaning of golbal is!

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Q: What is the meaning of golbal trend?
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What is golbal warning caused by?

Global warning is caused by George washingotn have fun in the American revelution, this I specialfjn

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To convice the read that golbal warming is caused naturally

What is the original meaning of bossa nova?

"Bossa nova" is a Portuguese phrase meaning "new trend".This was first used in the 1950's and 1960's to describe a dance style that originated from the samba musical genre, a style which continues to be popular today.

What impact do disaster have on the society?

Well ,unfortunalty............ our golbal warming will caused disater that will effect our plant with disasters. golbal warming warms the earth by amount of degree and then the more disasters happen because there is such a drastic change in the earth. to find out more i suggest the national giographic movie 6 degrees could changed the world. so a really big impact!

What will happen th the global ecenomy if the US stops importing oil?

the golbal economy will decarease because there will so many problem such as it will affect our business and people will die by the disaster. will be food crises in the world. there will no one to help them the golbal economy will decarease because there will so many problem such as it will affect our business and people will die by the disaster. will be food crises in the world. there will no one to help them

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What other trend is similar to periodic trend for electronegativity?

The trend for first ionization energy

What is the meaning of graphing a number?

There is not much meaning in graphing a single number.Graphs are most useful in showing the relationship between many numbers or a trend of things that have occurred so as to extrapolate to another time, and so on.

What is the recent IT trend?

trend in IT in the recent times