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Usually, April, May, June are the slowest months


January is one of the hardest times in retail due to low promotion rates and high amounts of returns

May, actually is pretty great due to mothers day

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Q: Which month is historically slowest for retail?
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What are slowest months for retail?

The best way you earn money online is you should learn basic digital marketing . I had free video regarding digital marketing so there you can learn more, sent an email to wingsligetting @ gmail .com . You will get it.

Slowest day of week for retail?

The slowest day of the week for retail clothing and such is usually Tuesday and Wednseday. Tuesday more likely since people are winding down from the weekend and seem to extend it to Monday. When Tuesday comes around people do not want to do anything else except eat and watch a movie. That is why New DVD Rentals come out usually every Tuesday.

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snails are the slowest mollusk. But that has nothing to do with what the slowest insect is. The wheel bug is probably the slowest insect.

What is the superlative of slowly?

The superlative of slow is slowest. The comparative is slower.