I don't know, probably because the average high school curriculum is too narrow to allow topics such as game theory, abstract algebra (such as Lie algebra), complex analysis, or projective geometry.
It isnt
there basically isnt any
Advertising. They make us all think that the brand names are good and the "generic" isnt. I think it is that simple. Of course that is my opinion.
:::econ effects are GREAT! if you don't have to work there or live close (100 miles or so) by...how about Chernobyl? Is that too far away then how about 3 mile island or the love canal. : this wont help u just letting u no isnt Chernobyl a medicine??
free enterprise. because with free enterprise it gives the business profit mazimazation because they are not getting taxed and the consumer benefitt maximazation because the business can sell the product at a lower price because it isnt being taxed. stay classy kids :P no pun intended....
Jesus isnt real.
a theory is backed up by facts while a guess isnt.
he isnt
NO isnt it sad...
as i know there isnt
This isnt a game this is real life.
no there isnt, you have to mod you game to get that
it is impossible he isnt in the game
there isnt, sorry.
it isnt
that isnt a real pokemon game.
how do i slow down the game? numpad control lock isnt working.