5 hours and 17 minutes.
7:40am to 1:00pm is 5 hours and 20 minutes. 7:40pm to 1:00am is 5 hours and 20 minutes. 7:40am to 1:00am is 17 hours and 20 minutes. 7:40pm to 1:00pm is 17 hours and 20 minutes.
From 8:45am to 2:15pm is 5 hours and 30 minutes. From 8:45am to 2:15am is 17 hours and 30 minutes. From 8:45pm to 2:15am is 5 hours and 30 minutes. From 8:45pm to 2:15pm is 17 hours and 30 minutes.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 17 minutes.
8:37am to 2:10pm is 5 hours and 33 minutes. 8:37am to 2:10am is 17 hours and 33 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 5 hours, 12 minutes.
Convert 5 PM to hours: 17 hours. Subtract 11 hours, 47 minutes to get 5 hours, 13 minutes.
300 minutes / (60 minutes / hr) = 5 hours = 5 hours and 0 minutes
Google Maps estimates the drving time as 5 hours and 17 minutes.
5 hours and 55 minutes is equal to 355 minutes.
5 hours equals 300 minutes @60 minutes per hour.
it has 7 hours and 5 minutes.