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Prime numbers have two and only two factors. Composite numbers have three or more.

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A common factor.

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Q: A number with two or more factors?
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What is a number with more than two factors?

A number with more than two factors is a composite number. A number with exactly two factors is a prime number.

What makes a composite numbers?

If a number has more then 3 factors

What is a Number that has many factors?

A number that has more than two factors is a composite number whereas a number that has only two factors is a prime number.

A what has more than two factors?

A composite number has more than two factors.

What is a number with two or more pairs of factors?

a prime number means it has only two factors 1 and itself. a composite number has more than two factors for example 3 is a prime number because its factors are 1 and itself. 4 is a composite number because it has more than two factors 1,4,2 6,9,10,12,4,8,and 20

What do you call a number that has more than factors?

A number with more than two factors is composite

Can a composite number have exactly two factors?

No, every number has at a minimum two factors, which are itself and 1. If these are the only two factors, then the number is prime. If it has more factors, then the number is composite.

A number that has 2 or more factors is called?

A number that has only two factors is prime. A number that has more than two factors is composite.

What is a whole number greater than one more than two factors?

If it has more than two factors then it is a composite number

The number 21 has more tha two factors this maens it is a?

Composite is the opposite of prime which is a number with only two factors. 1 and itself.Composite has more than two factors so I guess a composite number is your answer.

What are the factors of two or more number called?

common factors

What is a number with 3 or more factors called?

A compound number has 3 or more factors, two of the factors being 1 and the number itself.