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Q: A repetitive pattern of shapes that completely cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps is a?
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What is a repeating pattern of figures that covers a plane without gaps or overlaps?


What name is given to a shape than can be repeated in a pattern without gaps or overlaps?

That is 'tessellation'

What a tessellation pattern?

It is a pattern in which the tessera - individual tiles - need to be placed so as to cover a plane without gaps or overlaps.

Is tessellation making a pattern?

No, it is using multiple copies of a shape, usually polygons, so as to cover a plane without gaps or overlaps.

Can a regular pentagon tessellate without overlaps or gaps?

the answer is yes

A tessellation is an arrangement of repeating shapes that have what characteristics?

No spaces or overlaps exist between it's pieces.

Is it true you can not tessellate six sides polygon by itself?

No, it is not true that you cannot tessellate a six-sided polygon by itself. Hexagons are a type of polygon that can tessellate, which means they can be arranged in a repeating pattern to completely cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps.

What does tesilated mean?

"Tessellated" means to fit together closely, typically in a repeated pattern to cover a surface without any gaps or overlaps. It is often used in reference to geometric shapes or patterns.

Can a regular octagon tessellate without overlaps or gaps?

No, there would be triangles in between. Sorry!

Is morality a subfield of religion?

I would say that it overlaps but one can be moral without religion.

Can a tessellation be a line of shapes?

Yes, provided they fill the plane without gaps or overlaps.

What A covering of a plane without overlaps or gaps using combinations of congruent figures?

It is a regular tessellation.