One approach in advertising is that your brand is very popular and you are advertising in terms of sponsoring events, programmes to gain further popularity and increasing business and on the other hand due to CSR activities organisation is getting tax benefits on the expenditures done on the sponsorships and the brand popularity. Companies like TATA, BIRLA, WILLS, WIPRO are the brands, aggressive through CSR and event sponsorship advertisement's.
Second approach is conventional approach that advertisement is adding to the popularity of the brand and hence there is an increase in the business hence the profits.
First method of advertisement is effective if the brand is strong and popular.
The second conventional way of advertisement is normal way of publicity to increase the business.
Denial, repression, displacement.
Those defense mechanisms are designed to protect you from diseases and infections.
the ligers are a cross between a lion and a tiger their defense mechanisms are their teeth and their claws
Defense mechanisms are part of the unconscious. Therefore one cannot really control what mechanisms he/she uses.
Pooping on you
I am unfamiliar with (never heard of) the "effectiveness defense" and (in the U.S.) there are no defendants charged with "torture."
A defense mechanism is a coping strategy that protects you from difficult feelings.
running away of it
Its talons.
sucking dick
Yes, but they tend to be the primitive defense mechanisms; denial, minimization, rationalization and projection. Higher order defense mechanisms, such as humor, altruism, and sublimation, or even defenses such as intellectualization, are not operative, however, in delusional/psychotic states.