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Yes, but it will change the problema little . For example:

2+3+4 = 9 and (2+3)+4 = 9 also.

basicly you just put it on the 2nd problem and if it dose not have a 2nd problem then put it on the first.

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Q: Can you add parentheses when you are using the properties of addition?
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How can addition properties help you add whole numbers?

Because addition properties allow you to add them in the first place and without them, you couldn't add!

How can addition properties help add whole numbers?

Because that is what addition means. If you want to add whole numbers, the process that you use is addition.

How can addition properties help me add whole numbers?

Because that is what addition means. If you want to add whole numbers, the process that you use is addition.

How can properties help me add whole numbers?

Because that is what addition means. If you want to add whole numbers, the process that you use is addition.

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Follow the order of operations; PEMDAS. PEMDAS is Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, & Subtract.


Add multiply what is in parentheses and the number that is on the outside of the parentheses that is to the right or to the left.

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This refers to the order of operations to perform when doing complex equations. PEMDAS Parentheses - first (from the inside out) Exponents second (unless they are inside the parentheses) Multiplication and Division third Addition and Subtraction from left to right last(unless they are inside parentheses) examples: 4-2+1 =3 addition and subtraction from left to right 4-(2+1) = 1 parentheses says do the addition first 4+3x2 = 10 multiplication first (4+3)x2 = 14 Parentheses first 4e3+5x 4-2e3 = -82 exponents first, multiplication, then addition/subtraction left to right (4e3 +5)x(4-2)e3 = 552 parentheses first, but exponent inside parentheses comes first 4e3=64, then add the 5, then 4-2=2, then do the exponent outside parentheses 2e3=8, then multiply 69 x 8 = 552

Do You add after doing parentheses when simplifying a math problem?

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What is a way to indicate addition?

You can indicate addition by using it's sign "+" or saying add/plus.

What are the properties of addition for elementary?

The relevant properties are the commutative property, the associative property, and the property of zero (i.e., if you add zero to a number you get the same number again).

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