Yes you can and it wont harm you. Especially a medical abortion is like a induced miscarriage. The safe place is at a doctors of course and if you are younger than 18 you might need parental consent or notification depending on where you live.
The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 13,651 abortions that year.
Nicki Mianj had one abortion.
No one knows for sure since it was impossible to count because it was illegal but the WHO knows today that in countries where it is illegal the amount of abortions is the same as if it was legal. It's just unsafer and more dangerous. Today there are 1,2 million legal abortions a year in the US.
The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 784,507 abortions that year. So about 2,150 an hour.
The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 784,507 abortions that year. So about 2,150 an hour.
There is about 137 abortions per hour. 234 abortions per 1,000 live births, 1.2 million per year, 3,288 per day, 9 abortions per hour and 1 abortion every 26 second.
Yes you can.
No but she had two miscarriages.
The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 784,507 abortions that year. So about 2,150 an hour.
There are two types of abortions, medical and surgical. Medical abortions are only effective in the first trimester of pregnancy and are caused by pharmaceutical drugs. They are responsible for about 10% of abortions. Surgical abortions are probably the type of abortions you are referring to, and consist of different methods. One of the most common is vacuum abortion. You remove the fetus by suction from a syringe. If the pregnancy is aborted in a later stage, a type of lethal injection is often used to stop the heart of the unborn fetus.
If you mean another one straight after a failed medical one it is only if the doctor say so. Experimenting with medicine that makes you bleed can be very dangerous. Other than that you can have as many abortions as you need as long as it's under a doctors supervision.