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Q: Do most scientist report using the English System of Measurement to report their research?
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Most scientist report results of their research using the English system of measurement. True or false?


Is it true that most scientist report results of their research using the English system of measurement?

No it's not true. The vast majority of scientific reports use the S.I. metric system of measurement.

What are the old system of measurement?

old system of measurement English system of measurement

What method of measurement does a scientist use?

Scientist use the metric system. All science in the metric system.

Why do scientist use the SI measurement even though it is no more accurate than the English System?

The SI measurement system is used in science because it is based on a set of standardized units that are more coherent and easier to convert between. The English System has more varied and inconsistent units, making it harder to work with in scientific calculations and experiments. Standardization in SI units also promotes consistency and accuracy in scientific communication and research.

What system do scientist use for measurement?

It's called the metric system.

What system of measurement uses ounces and ft?

Ounces and feet are units of measurement in the English system.

Who invented the English measurement system?

who invented the english measurements

What are the two standard system of measurement?

The English system and the metric system.

What are the standard systems of measurement?

The English system and the metric system.

When was the English system of measurement abolished?

not sure!

What is customary measurement?

the english system of measure