It depends what job you want really cause if you wanna be something good, like a doctor then yes you need an A but if you want to be something like working on tills then you only need about a B or C. Basically it all depends on what job you would like.
Well most jobs will require a C in both Maths and English
No of course you don't. I mean there are plenty of jobs where you don't need to be good at maths. Although I am pretty sure that you have to take maths for A-levels and GCSE's but talk to someone about all your options for jobs. I hope this was helpful.
maths is the best. you need it to geta job. it is the best thing in the world maths is the best. you need it to geta job. it is the best thing in the world
if its a good job then you need good GCSEs
GCSE's in RE, English, Maths, Chemistry, History, Geography, Photography and MBA A Levels In NBA, mHRS, PE and Photography Degree In mHRS Good Luck Because They Are Hard Courses But If You Pass Them You Will Get This Job
The qualifications you need to work in a bank are good GCSE's for the subjects maths and ICTand then good Alevels results in college for accounting, business studies and finance and then after college you may need to take a course in university this depends on what job you plan to do in the bank as there are many types of jobs you can do in a bank. You have to get 12 a stars for maths and ict!
well i think so ,, well if you want a job u need to get good grades to get get into a job
Not always it depends on which job you are applying for. You usually will need maths and English.
A basic pass. English, Maths and Science at C grade or above. Higher grades can be an advantage as Vet Nursing is a competative job to apply for. The more you shine, the more likely you are to get the position. Be warned though, for this reason, the job doesn't pay too well while you are studying/training, and you will be worked hard! Expect to work 5 days a week in surgery and go to college on the sixth day that week. You need to be very committed to the job.
so they can do the job right
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education. It's a compulsory requirement for all students in secondary education (secondary education is also compulsory). The minimum you need in GCSEs are ones in the core subjects, being maths, English and science. Employers look for a minimum of C grades in each of those subjects. Then the rest are up to you to take. After you take GCSEs and you get your results, you're out of compulsory education or alternatively you can go to college/sixth form and then university.
It depends on the university you want to apply for, considering that medicine is a competitive career you most probably need a minimum of 5*. However some universities are nicer and if you do extremely well in a levels then they won't mind so much about GCSE's. the most important GCSE's you have to concentrate on are biology, chemistry, maths. It would be best to get a* in them, it takes the pressure off at a level.