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Hard work affects everything you do. If you are willing to work harder, then you will get better results. Check out some of the other Learning Tips questions for more information.

Some people are very smart but very lazy. You could be smart, but if you aren't willing to put effort into your homework and studying, you won't do as well. Often it is the people with some smarts and a willingness to work at school that do better than those people with more smarts and a sense of laziness. So yes, someone's amount of hard work can really influence their grades.

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14y ago

duh! The more effort you put into something, the better it will turn out! I'm doing a research project on this and so far, all the sources say that a good attitude is the way to go. If you don't want to change your attitude, try getting more sleep. studys show that it's easier with a good night's sleep and some food, plus you operate better. You obviously don't have to listen to a kid like me, but it sounded like you could use some help.

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