-- Go to all the classes.
-- Turn off the cellphone when you get there.
-- Stay awake through the whole class.
-- Listen to what's going on.
-- Do every homework assignment on the day it's assigned.
If there's anything in it that you can't do, immediatelymake
a date to get together with the teacher and go over it until
you do understand it. Do not let it slide, even for a day.
If you do this for a while, you will be scoring 100's on your
homework all over the place. Everybody else will wonder
how you're doing it. Nobody will ever figure it out unless
you tell them.
Another neat thing about this system is: You don't have to
hide it from your teachers or your parents. If they find out
about it, it'll actually make them happy !
(Oops! Did that spoil the whole idea ?)
And another neat thing about it is: You'll actually learnstuff!
no there is not pokemon_1996_master: what is that cheat? can anyone tell me about the 100 percent pokedex cheat for Pokemon diamond?
by knowing maths dick ED'
Nobody agrees on anything 100%
I don't think there is.
12.5% of 300 = 300*12.5/100 = 37.5
Get over 100 percent on all of the tests and homework
There isn't one.
Two out of twelve people doing their homework is 16.67% (2/12 * 100).
What is 100 percent of get a pen and paper and figure it out? This isn't a place to post math homework kid