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One horizontal cut, one vertical cut (north-south), one vertical cut (east-west). That will get you 8 pieces.

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Q: How can you cut a piece of log to get maximum number of pieces from 3 cuts?
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If you have a normal cake What is the maximum number of pieces you can make with only 4 straight cuts?

You would have 8 pieces of cake. A: I can make ten pieces.

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If you want an even-sized pieces, you can make a 7-slice pizza. Otherwise, the maximum is 22. (.5x^2 + .5x + 1 is the formula to determine the maximum number of slices if you use "x" cuts.) If you want even-sized slices, you can make a 7-slice pizza. Otherwise, the maximum number of slices is 22. (.5x^2 + .5x + 1 is the formula to determine the maximum number of slices if you use "x" cuts.)

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the normal amount would be 17

What is max number of identical pieces a cube can be into by 3 cuts?

9 pieces

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If no cut intersects any previous cuts, then you can just slice it into 14 pieces.

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21 cuts required to cut a cube into 504 identical pieces.

ByCutting paper inhalf then takes the leftmost piece and cuts that inhalf and so on Without reachin the last cut Assume this could be done in a finitetime How many pieces wouldit endup with?

You start with one piece of paper. With each cut you increase the number of pieces by one - whether or not you cut in half. So, at the end of the process you have as many pieces as the number of cuts you made and that, in turn, depends on the rate at which you cut the paper and the time available - neither of which are given in the question.

What is the maximum number of cuts made of a sphere?

3 mm

What is the largest number of pieces that can be made with eight straight cuts?