You can either explain it as "taking away" something, or as the inverse of addition, as in "how much do I need to add, to get such-and-such a result".
that we can use it
Explain that the negative(-3) can be moved and become a subtraction sign. -3+5=5-3
Because it is.
The answer we get after subtraction is called
who invented subtraction?
read the value A,b store the result of subtraction of a,b in continer subtraction display subtraction
it means to take away and borrow means to take away and regroup means to rearrang(make problem
you calll the answer to a subtraction problem a difference
the subtraction sign
Order of Operations is like when you have a problem i always use PEMDAS it means parenthesis, expoents, mulitipication, divide, addition, Subtraction follow it.
Inverse means opposite. What undoes subtraction? Addition undoes subtraction!
The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference