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Q: How do you explain one who has one Ba degree and master degree but two degree are from different stream?
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Related questions

What is the anagram for stream?

One anagram for stream is master.

What anagram is found in master?

Master is an anagram of stream.

How does stream car engine works?

Not sure what a stream car is, please explain.

What is MCA course?

The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a postgraduate academic degree in computer application stream awarded in India. Full time MCA programmes normally take place three academic years.

What is a degree holder?

A degree holder is someone who has completed a program of study at a college or university and has been awarded a degree, such as a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree. This individual has fulfilled the requirements of their chosen program and has earned a credential that signifies their level of knowledge and expertise in a particular field.

What is the size of a stream?

it depends which stream it is because they are all different sizes.

Explain the hydrological significance of aspect and orientation of watershed to stream flow?

Watershed aspect and orientation

Explain the input stream and output stream class hirerarchies with suitable diagrams?

The diagrams can be made off the description that you are able to give. Make them both as detailed as you are able to.

Explain how stream deposition occurs?

Stream deposition occurs when a flowing stream loses energy, causing it to slow down and deposit sediment that it was previously carrying. This commonly occurs when the stream enters a flatter area, like a floodplain or a lake. As the stream's velocity decreases, it can no longer transport sediment, leading to deposition.

What is the name of the Greek god of stream?

Every stream has a different god - most often a nymph - guarding it.

Can you stream movies with Vindu?

Yes, you can stream movies with Vindu. The website Vindu has hundreds of many different videos that people like you can stream for free. You can also upload videos on Vindu for others to stream.

How do you fix the waterfall on virtual villagers origins?

drag master builders in the stream and they will clear it out for you... I believe it will done in about 4 hours.